Friday, October 31, 2014

Rescued dogs expected to have 'long, healthy lives' - Mississippi News Now


A new puppy was born Thursday at the Humane Society of South Mississippi in Gulfport. The conditions welcoming this little one into the world are drastically different than what could have been. Wednesday, mom and 170 other animals were removed from two suspected puppy mills in Corinth, Mississippi. The animals were found living in feces with maggots and cob webs. Many had not food in their cages and algae in their water bowls.

"Keeping animals in those unsanitary conditions can cause a lot of health problems, internal parasites, things like that. Also, wire flooring can injure the animals' feet," Adam Parascandola said.

Thursday, the staff gave the pups vaccinations and vets gave the dogs check ups to see if any of the animals need special medical attention or medication.

"We did see some dental conditions. We had underweight dogs, we had animals that had soiled fur, missing fur, some matting. Longer hair dogs, they have bigger clumps and mats," Parascandola said. "Socially, a lot of the dogs are very fearful, initially, because they are just not used to that kind of interaction, but they are very receptive to it.

"Just on the surface, it's a tragedy to have so many animals in our state that are in these kinds of situations. But it's wonderful for us to be able to go in and free these prisoners of greed from the enslavement they have been in. We are really excited to be able to offer them that second chance," HSSM's Krystyna Schmitt said.

With a lot of love and care, these animal lovers have high hopes for the rescued dogs.

"I think all of these dogs will have long happy lives," Parascandola predicted.

Shelter officials expect it to cost about $65,000 to be able to nurse the pups back to health and find them a loving home. If you are willing to help, they are looking for financial contributions, as well as donations of supplies like doggy treats, Clorox wipes, and paper towels.

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